Key Biodiversity Areas: Mapping British Columbia, a presentation with The Exploration Place
Media Webinars
Mar 28, 2022

Learn about the effort to map Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) in BC, in a presentation to The Exploration Place by BC KBA Coordinator Ian Adams.

Key Biodiversity Areas are sites that contribute significantly to the global persistence of biodiversity. This relatively new designation is global in scope but local in practice. KBAs identify special places that support special species, ecosystems or other ecological values of national and global importance at all scales. From lichens to lampreys to large mammals, we’re interested in it all. Ian Adams, BC Coordinator for Key Biodiversity Areas, will lead a presentation on what KBAs are, how they are recognized and what happens next.

Ian Adams is a wildlife ecologist living in Cranbrook, BC. He works for Wildlife Conservation Society Canada as the BC Coordinator for Key Biodiversity Areas. Ian has a wide interest in the natural history of all living things and has worked on a wide variety of species from tailed frogs to mule deer.

Visit the Exploration Place in Prince George, BC, or find out more here at their website below. CBC Daybreak North – Northern British Columbia is the official media sponsor of the Adult Speaker Series, of which this presentation was a part of.

Exploration Place website :

Mar 28, 2022
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