Key Biodiversity Areas in Canada: Updates and Progress
Media Webinars
Jun 10, 2021

This special webinar will explored all aspects of work completed over the last two years to identify and delineate Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA) in Canada, and will present plans for the next two years. Updates include progress after two years, how the work is being conducted, who’s involved and how the initiative is governed and managed. The webinar included a number of short presentations from the perspectives of governments, NGOs and scientists that have been involved in the KBA initiative.

Introduction – Ciara Raudsepp-Hearne
Where we’re at with new KBAs – Jaime Grimm
KBAs – A Pathway to Canada Target 1 priority – Courtney Robertson
How KBAs could be used at a provincial level – BC – Louise Blight
Nova Scotia government perspective – Dave MacKinnon
KBA assessment at the regional scale in Quebec – Kim Gauthier Schampaert
Scoping KBAs identified for the highest ecological integrity – Juan Zuloaga
National KBA database in development – Andrew Couturier
Building on IBAs towards KBAs in BC – Liam Ragan
How KBAs will conserve biodiversity – Sherman Boates
Q&A period

Jun 10, 2021
Past Webinars