Ecosystem Type | Ecosystem Classification Level | Ecosystem Classification System | Threat Status | Level | KBA criteria met | Extent of ecosystem at site (KM) | Source | Total Extent of Ecosystem (KM) | Source | % of Total Extent at Site | Year assessed |
Hierarchical level at which the ecosystem type has been classified. In accordance with the KBA Standard, classification levels correspond with an intermediate level in a globally consistent ecosystem classification hierarchy, for example Level 4 (biogeographic ecotypes) or level 5 (global ecosystem types) in the IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology.
Classification system used to classify ecosystems. IVC = International Vegetation Classification. CNVC = Canadian National Vegetation Classification. TES = Terrestrial Ecological Systems (NatureServe). IUCN = IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology.
The threat status displayed is the one that qualifies the ecosystem as a criterion A2 trigger under KBA standards, if applicable. Statuses from other assessment agencies may exist. For more information on which threat status is used in KBA assessments, see the National KBA Standard.
The level (global or national) at which the ecosystem was assessed at the site.
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- A2. Meets criterion A2: Threatened ecosystem types.
- B4. Meets criterion B4: Geographically restricted ecosystem types.
Estimate in km2 of the amount of area in the site covered by the ecosystem type.
Estimate in km2 of the total amount of area covered by the ecosystem type, globally if “Level” is global and nationally if “Level” is national.
Best estimate of the percent of the total extent of the ecosystem type contained within the site, globally if “Level” is global and nationally if “Level” is national.
The year in which the biodiversity element of the KBA was last assessed. The information provided is current as of the date of KBA assessment.