Key Biodiversity Areas in British Columbia 2024: Progress and Updates
Médias Webinaires
Jun 06, 2024

In our 4th year of identifying KBAs in British Columbia, we hosted a webinar for a (re)introduction to the process, an update on the work done so far, and information on further opportunities for involvement. Key Biodiversity Areas are sites that are remarkable in terms of their natural values, and hold species or ecosystems that depend on the sites for their persistence. Over the last couple of years, BC Nature, Wildlife Conservation Society Canada, Birds Canada, and NatureServe Canada have been leading the work to identify KBAs across BC, with many other organizations and communities contributing. There are now over a dozen sites available to explore on our website and over 150 more to be added over the coming months. 

Watch presentations from Peter Soroye (KBA Assessment and Outreach Coordinator), Liam Ragan (BC IBA Coordinator and KBA B.C. First Nations Liaison), Ian Adams (BC KBA Coordinator), and Lucy Poley (Ecosystems Criteria Coordinator).

A webinar hosted by BC Nature and WCS Canada.

Jun 06, 2024
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