Key Biodiversity Areas in Canada: from identification to implementation
Médias Webinaires
Oct 28, 2021

Over the last two years, the Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) Canada team – in collaboration with an incredible network of experts and partner organizations – has made great progress in identifying KBAs across the country. With a comprehensive set of KBAs on the way to being developed, the conversation is shifting from where KBAs are, to what KBAs will mean for conservation in Canada. Over the course of the 2021-2022 KBA webinar series, we will discuss what KBAs could mean for various parts of our broad conservation community in Canada.

For the first KBA webinar in this series, KBA Canada’s Assessment and Outreach Coordinator, Peter Soroye, WCS Canada’s Director of National Conservation, Dan Kraus, and Birds Canada’s Senior Director of Landscape Science and Conservation, Andrew Couturier, share their thoughts and ideas on how KBAs could be applied across our broad and diverse conservation community. Join for a short presentation and an open discussion where you can share your ideas and questions about using KBAs for conservation.

Oct 28, 2021
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