Key Biodiversity Areas in British Columbia: Updates and Next Steps
Médias Webinaires
Oct 26, 2021

Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) are sites that contribute significantly to the persistence of biodiversity globally or nationally. The Global KBA Standard, and Canada’s National KBA Standard, provide objective criteria to identify and recognize these areas. KBAs bring together a range of efforts developed for different elements of biodiversity (birds, plants, mammals, ecosystems, etc.) creating a comprehensive, robust and quantitative tool. Areas may be recognized as key because they contain rare or threatened species or ecosystems. They may also be areas where animals gather in large numbers for part of the year, intact areas that are undisturbed by industrial development, or areas of irreplaceable habitat. The identification of KBAs in British Columbia will allow for more informed conservation efforts, including land‐use planning and economic development.

Over a year into the process of identifying KBAs in BC, we are immensely grateful for the time and expertise of all those who have already contributed to the process. Join for a (re)introduction to the process, an update on the work done so far, and information on further opportunities for involvement.


Introduction to Canada’s KBA Program – Ciara Raudsepp-Hearne

Applying KBAs in BC – Zaid Jumean

Overview of KBAs in BC – Ian Adams and Liam Ragan

Ecosystem KBAs in BC – Lucy Poley

Role of Experts on the KBA process – David Fraser

Questions / Discussion

Oct 26, 2021
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