Capturing Canada's Key Biodiversity Areas: A Photo Contest
Médias Blogues
Sep 18, 2023

Canada is home to a diverse range of ecosystems, each with its unique flora and fauna. Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) play a vital role in preserving these ecosystems and the species that call them home. KBAs are places that contain remarkable concentrations of rare or vulnerable species and ecosystems, according to specific globally recognized criteria. Each site is critically important for supporting the long-term survival of a special piece of biodiversity or biological process. We invite photographers of all levels to participate in our photo contest from Sept 18 until Oct 10 Oct 18, 2023, and help us showcase the natural beauty and importance of Canada’s KBAs and the biodiversity that calls them home.

Photos submitted to the contest should be taken from KBAs (or Candidate KBAs) or should feature species or ecosystems that are having KBAs identified for them. To find out what places across Canada are KBAs or Candidate KBAs, visit the Map Viewer on our website (TIP: turn on “Candidate KBAs” in the Legend on the bottom right to see KBAs-in-progress). Find out which species or ecosystems are being considered for KBAs by clicking on Candidate KBAs in the Map Viewer, exploring the Species Search on our website, or by checking the list nous contacter.

Visit for more information on KBAs and KBA Canada’s work. For questions about contest rules and eligibility, please contact Peter Soroye at .

Join us in celebrating the beauty and importance of Canada’s Key Biodiversity Areas through the lens of your camera. Show the world the treasures that need our protection. Good luck, and happy viewing!

Enter your images to the Contest here!

**NOTE: Oct 18 – we are having technical difficulties with the Contest submission portal. Please email your submission to Peter Soroye ( with your name, the title of your piece, a short sentence or two describing your photo (including the name of the KBA or Candidate KBA where the photo was taken or confirmation that the species or ecosystem photographed is being assessed for a potential KBA elsewhere), and the contest category you are submitting the photo under. Email submissions will be accepted until 11:59pm ET on Oct 18. All contest rules apply.

Contest Categories:

  1. Fauna: From birds to bugs, snakes to seas slugs and everything in between, capture the incredible animal life found within Canada’s KBAs. Show us your photos of the remarkable wildlife that these areas highlight.
  2. Flora and Fungi: Whether beautiful flowering orchids, underappreciated grasses and sedges, or the intricate beauty of a moss or lichen, show us your best photographs of the plants and fungi within KBAs.
  3. Landscapes and Scenery: Highlight the breathtaking landscapes, habitats, and scenic views that define Canada’s KBAs. From majestic mountains to serene wetlands, let your photographs speak to the importance of these areas.
  4. People and conservation: Showcase the efforts, initiatives and people dedicated to enjoying and conserving KBAs in Canada. Photographs in this category should focus on people in KBAs or capture the projects and actions that contribute to the preservation of these vital areas.


  • The contest is free and open to photographers living in Canada, of all ages and skill levels.
  • All photographs must follow all Submission Guidelines. Photos do not need to be taken during the contest period (e.g. you are welcome to submit older photos).
  • Each participant can submit a maximum of three photographs per category.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Photographs must be in digital format (JPEG or PNG).
  • Submissions should include a title, a brief description, and the location where the photo was taken.
  • All submissions must be taken in a KBA or a Candidate KBA (see Carte géographique of KBAs and Candidate KBAs on our website) OR must be of a species of ecosystem that is being considered for inclusion in a KBA elsewhere (see Species Search on our website, information on Candidate KBAs, or check the list nous contacter.).
  • All submissions must be the original work of the entrant.
  • Practice ethical wildlife photography at all times.

Judging Criteria:

  • Creativity and Originality
  • Composition and Technical Quality
  • Relevance to the Category
  • Ability to convey the significance of KBAs in Canada (i.e. how well it showcases a KBA or Candidate site, or a KBA species/ecosystem)


  • First place (per category): winners will receive a WCS Canada and KBA Canada prize pack, and photos and artists will be featured across the KBA Canada social media and newsletter.
  • Second and third place (per category): photos and artists will be featured across the KBA Canada social media.

Important Dates:

  • Submission Period: Sept 18 to Oct 10 Oct 18
  • Judging Period: Oct 18 to Oct 30
  • Winners Announcement: Oct 31

How to Enter:

Rights and Usage: By entering the contest, participants agree to grant WCS Canada the perpetual right to publish the submitted photo(s), royalty-free, for promotional and educational purposes, with appropriate credit given to the photographer. Uses may include, but are not limited to, publishing the photo(s) on the KBA Canada website and future promotion of the KBA Canada program.

Contact Information: For inquiries and further information, please contact .

Sep 18, 2023